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  • Writer's pictureHealthwatch West Berkshire

RBH launches Hospital Navigator programme

As part of a Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit programme, the Royal Berkshire Hospital is the first of five hospitals to launch a new scheme to provide targeted support to young people attending the Emergency Department. It seeks to offer a listening ear, support within the local community and a confidential conversation with a trusted adult, to help protect those at risk from future harm.

The scheme takes a particular focus on those who may have been admitted in circumstances related to risky behaviours or who may be frequent attendees at A&E.

The Hospital Navigators programme will see trained volunteers from the local community based at Royal Berkshire Hospital’s Emergency Department. Having received treatment, young people aged between 13 and 24 can meet and chat with one of the Navigators who will then be able to signpost them to support in the community such as one-to-one mentoring, support services and community groups.

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