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  • Writer's pictureHealthwatch West Berkshire

Maternity report

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

The subject of maternity services around the country has been highlighted recently and often with some very serious issues. However, in West Berkshire the levels of care are generally very good, though the maternity experience report highlights some issues that may warrant further investigation and potential changes, or additions to service provision to improve standards for all women in West Berkshire using maternity services.

We have made 14 recommendations based on the survey and would also like to see more emphasis on providing parity of care for all the women of West Berkshire, wherever they are accessing maternity services. Also, urgent work is necessary to ensure those using services outside the direct control of the Berkshire West CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) are supported closer to home and in an integrated ‘joined-up’ way. Women of West Berkshire using services other than RBH should not have to accept different standards of care because the trust they choose is not in the Berkshire West Integrated Care Partnership or the BOB ICS model.

Since the first iteration of this report, we have received further maternity-related feedback around Covid experiences which has been added into an addendum. This feedback was taken during the Covid outbreak, following the formation of the ‘West Berkshire Maternity Forum’ to look at additional key factors of concern for new mums, Mental Health and the importance of Health Visitors were highlighted. Our providers have not had the chance to respond to this information, which is why it is in the addendum and not the main body of the document or referenced in any recommendations.

Read the full report now, by click below.

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